Dr. Daigo Shishika

Daigo Shishika is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He obtained his bachelor's degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and his master's and PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park, all in Aerospace Engineering. Before joining George Mason University, Shishika was a postdoctoral researcher in the GRASP Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interest is in the general area of autonomy, dynamics and controls, and robotics.

PhD Students

Kentaro Nojima-Schmunk

James Berneburg

James Yang

MS Students

Undergraduate Students

David Turzak

Kevin Kim

Andrew Vu

Rylan Pettit

Former Students

Brendan Pagano

Karim Hull

Chengbo Huang

Join the team

We are looking for motivated and talented students to join our group.

If you are interested in joining our research group, please email dshishik [at] gmu [dot] edu and include your CV and research interests.